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Summer throw down

Sat, 02 Jul



Welcome to our summer throw down fitness party. This will be a friendly but competitive throw down! Expect live music, shakes & the best HIIT workouts. This is available to all fitness levels

Tickets are not on sale
See other events
Summer throw down
Summer throw down

Time & Location

02 Jul 2022, 08:30 – 10:00

Fareham, 2 Lysses Ct, Fareham PO16 7BE, UK

About the event

Welcome to our summer throw down fitness party. 

This will be a friendly but competitive throw down! Expect live music, shakes & the best HIIT workouts.

 This is available to all fitness levels.

The workout 

Teams of 3. You will be put into groups before you arrive so dont panic about that! (And no you cant choose your team.)

3 events. 

Event 1 

Teams of 3

Bike event 15 mins how low can the team go!

100 cal bike erg

90 press ups

80 cal bike erg

70 Devil press

60 cal bike erg

50 press ups

40 cal bike erg

30 devil press etc all the way to 0

Break the work up as you see fit. But no more then 10 reps per person at a time.

Event 2

teams of 3

BB & Floor event

  1. 100 squats
  2. 90 sit ups
  3. 80 alternating lunges
  4. 70 burpees
  5. 60 commandos
  6. 50 BB Squat & press
  7. 40 press ups
  8. 30 devil press
  9. 20 jump squats
  10. 10 hand-release press-ups (chest to floor, raise your hands briefly off the floor, then push back up)

Work as a team to complete it as fast as you can. Time cap 15 mins.

Event 3

Teams of 3

Treadmill workout

5 mins each on the treadmill. How far can your team cover in 15 mins. 

Your partners wont be stood around resting...

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